This data was produced from a variety of sources.

RSS feed Brendan Griffin TD

Photo of Brendan Griffin

Voting record

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Committees and topics of interest

Asks most questions about

  • Subjects (based on headings added by the Dáil record): Grant Payments, Social Welfare Benefits, Tax Code, Social Welfare Appeals, Covid-19 Pandemic

(based on written questions asked by Brendan Griffin and answered by departments)

RSS feed Most recent appearances in parliament

Ceisteanna ar Pholasaí nó ar Reachtaíocht - Questions on Policy or Legislation (24 Apr 2024)

“RTÉ workers are protesting outside the gates of Leinster House this lunchtime over the issue of bogus self-employment. This is an issue I have raised with the Taoiseach and here in the Chamber on a number of occasions. A total of 396 workers were let go by RTÉ after the Eversheds review. Based on the figures provided to me here last week by the Taoiseach, 297 of those workers...”

Ceisteanna Eile - Other Questions: Tourist Accommodation (18 Apr 2024)

“I thank the Minister. I welcome and encourage that engagement with industry and the representative bodies in particular. The Minister is very welcome to come to Kerry at any stage and engage with the operators on the ground. He has been very good in the past in coming to the county and meeting people. They have always been very impressed with him and he has always responded, which is...”

Ceisteanna Eile - Other Questions: Tourist Accommodation (18 Apr 2024)

“63. To ask the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment how he plans to support and compensate business owners in towns such as Killarney, County Kerry, where the displacement of tourism accommodation for use as emergency accommodation has resulted in significant reductions in footfall and consumer spending; the supports he is planning for the broader SME sector and businesses exposed to...”

More of Brendan Griffin's recent appearances


These statistics are updated only each weekend. Please note that numbers do not measure quality. Also, representatives may do other things not currently covered by this site.More about this)

Register of Members' Interests

1. Occupational Income
Author: Keel, Castlemaine, Co. Kerry. Other Information Provided: Published "Secrets of a Haunted Winter" in Dec 2014.
3. Directorships
4. Land
5. Gifts
6. Property and Service
7. Travel Facilities
8. Remunerated Positions
9. Contracts

Register last updated: 11 Mar 2015. More about the Register

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