Seanad debates

Wednesday, 7 February 2024

Nithe i dtosach suíonna - Commencement Matters

  • Disability Services (9 speeches)
    I welcome the Minister of State to the House. I thank her sincerely for taking time out of her busy schedule to be here this afternoon. The topic I wish to discuss with the Minister of State is...
  • Cancer Services (6 speeches)
    The Minister of State is welcome to the House to discuss this important matter. At the end of 2022 there was an announcement awarding €900,000 to dental schools for head and neck cancer...
  • General Practitioner Services (6 speeches)
    I echo the Acting Chair’s comments wishing Senator Craughwell’s daughter the very best. This is an important Commencement matter. I thank the Cathaoirleach for selecting it. I...
  • Northern Ireland (5 speeches)
    I thank the Minister of State for being here. I very much welcome the re-establishment of Stormont at the weekend. I congratulate the First Minister, the deputy First Minister, the other new...
  • School Accommodation (5 speeches)
    The Minister of State is welcome to the Chamber. I thank her for taking this Commencement matter. She will appreciate that it is quite a local issue, but one very close to her in Clonmel. The...
  • Wildlife Protection (7 speeches)
    Cuirim fáilte roimh an Aire Stáit. I am using today's Commencement matter to raise the important issue of wildlife crime. The Citizens’ Assembly on Biodiversity Loss was...