Seanad debates

Thursday, 20 October 2016

10:30 am

Photo of Robbie GallagherRobbie Gallagher (Fianna Fail)
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Cuirim fáilte roimh an Aire Stáit go dtí an Teach. The Minister of State is very welcome and I thank him for his attendance here this morning. I welcome the fact the board of Inland Fisheries Ireland, IFI, has agreed to defer indefinitely its decision to cease trout production at its hatcheries in Mullingar and Roscrea. The decision came as a result of massive opposition from anglers throughout the country and I compliment them on their campaign. We need a firm commitment to provide the resources necessary to guarantee the long-term future and viability of these hatcheries.

IFI infrastructure has been fractured by continuous downgrading. At one point it had almost 500 staff members, but today this has been reduced to 294. This cannot be allowed to continue. Tourism angling is worth an estimated €750 million to our national economy. It is also estimated that angling is responsible for supporting 11,250 jobs in the country. Cavan and Monaghan have 12 angling clubs with almost 3,000 members. It is estimated this group is responsible for generating €3.4 million to the local economy in cross-Border fishing trips.

When we consider €800 million each year is allocated to our economy from the angling industry and the fact it supports more than 11,000 jobs, any reasonable person would have to conclude it surely is time the issue was taken seriously and the necessary funding was put in place. I call on the Minister of State and other Ministers with responsibility for tourism and rural affairs to recognise the value of angling to the State and provide the necessary funding to secure its long-term viability.

Photo of Seán KyneSeán Kyne (Galway West, Fine Gael)
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I thank Senator Gallagher for tabling this Commencement Matter. He raised it previously in the Seanad but unfortunately I was not in a position to attend that day and I apologise. I am taking this matter on my own behalf, for a change.

The value of angling in Ireland is already well recognised, and a number of developments have been recently progressed in this regard. The most comprehensive study of angling activity in Ireland, commissioned by Inland Fisheries Ireland, was carried out in 2013 by Tourism Development International. This study and subsequent updates demonstrate that the angling sector contributes €836 million to the Irish economy every year and supports more than 11,000 Irish jobs, often in rural communities where alternative income earning and employment opportunities are not readily available. In 2015, Ireland attracted 163,000 overseas visitors who participated in angling, with a further 273,000 domestic anglers in the country.

Following on from the study, IFI has set out its national strategy for angling development. This is the first comprehensive national framework for the development of Ireland’s angling resource. It aims to increase the economic contribution of angling from €836 million to €932 million annually and to increase the number of jobs to more than 12,800 from a current base of some 11,000. The strategy is intended to deliver a wide-ranging set of investments, innovations and promotions over the coming years. This is to ensure that Ireland's fish stocks and angling infrastructure are protected and enhanced for their economic value and their recreational benefit to the communities and visitors they serve across Ireland. Effective and sustainable implementation of the strategy will ensure stability of existing jobs and businesses reliant on angling and the creation of new jobs as the economic impact of angling grows.The strategy will ensure that our inland fisheries resource is protected and conserved in an environmentally sustainable manner for future generations to enjoy. Fundamentally, this strategy will strive to make angling an accessible and attractive pursuit for all and is the foremost statement of intent for the future of Ireland’s angling resource since the establishment of lFl in 2010.

The NSAD aims to develop our angling resource sustainably through balancing the economic, environmental, social and cultural aspects of any development in line with IFI’s responsibilities for the protection, management, conservation and development of Ireland’s inland fisheries and sea angling resources. IFI has embarked on its efforts to secure funding to underpin the strategy. My Department has earmarked €1.3 million for capital elements of the NSAD. An additional allocation of capital funding was made to IFI in last week's budget and some of this may be used for capital elements of the strategy. IFI also recently secured funding of €536,886 from the Department of Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs to develop key angling projects in rural areas as part of the Government's programme to support rural development. The package will deliver projects in counties Westmeath, Leitrim, Mayo, Tipperary, Roscommon, Galway, Donegal and Longford. It will invest in projects such as river bank restoration, a fishery recreation hub, access for coarse angling and fishing points which will allow for international match events and upgrade of existing facilities for anglers with a disability and attractive, accessible lakeside and river bank walks.

As part of the development strategy, IFI has also established a new fund to support projects that will contribute to the delivery of an accessible and sustainable, world class inland fisheries resource. This capital works fund was announced earlier this week and is aimed at capital improvement works with grants available to all groups and individuals, including local development associations, Tidy Towns groups, angling clubs and others looking to improve access to angling. The strategy is an overarching policy initiative concentrating on the economic development of the entire angling sector. Economic research conducted as part of the strategy identified key strands of angling activity with the most potential for development to benefit local and peripheral communities. These include coarse angling, pike angling, bass and sea angling in Ireland, wild salmon and sea trout and wild brown trout.

On the separate issue of farmed trout raised by the Senator, proposals regarding the fish farm operations of lFl are a day-to-day operational matter for its board but it I have paid attention to it over the past number of months. My Department had indicated to IFI the need for consultation with affected stakeholders prior to any action. I visited the fish farms to view operations in Roscrea and Cullion, and I met with members of the board of IFI and the chief executive officer to discuss the concerns of both IFI and the trout angling community. The board has deferred indefinitely its proposal to exit trout production. I am advised by IFI that the board also met a delegation from the main trout angling representative bodies to discuss lFl's proposals in this regard. All parties recognised that there are significant economic, environmental and biological issues surrounding the current production facilities which need to be addressed. I am assured by IFI that the board is committed to developing a comprehensive strategy to meet current and future trout production needs, subject to securing any investment required. All parties have agreed to continue to work closely together to deliver this strategy. I am conscious of the concerns about continuity of a supply of fish for lakes around the country and I have asked IFl to advise me of the outcomes of ongoing discussions with the angling representatives. However, the appropriate course of action is to await these outcomes, including whether suggested production, management and funding models may emerge, rather than pre-empt the discussions with stakeholders.

Photo of Robbie GallagherRobbie Gallagher (Fianna Fail)
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I thank the Minister of State for his response and I acknowledge his input and contribution in respect of this issue to date. I outlined previously the benefits to our economy both from an employment perspective and an income generation perspective. I very much welcome the ongoing discussions between the various parties. Is there a timescale for those negotiations? When will we be informed of the outcome?

Photo of Seán KyneSeán Kyne (Galway West, Fine Gael)
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I thank the Senator for raising the issue. Action has been taken and there has been lobbying by anglers and politicians. I acknowledge the reversal of the board's decision during the summer. Plans are being developed and I cannot say whether the Department will invest in projects until they come before me for approval. The board of IFI has to make decisions regarding what it wants to do with the investment. The facility in Cullion is under lease while the facility in Roscrea is owned. While both facilities are currently doing what they were designed for, they are antiquated and in need of investment. The board will have to come back with proposals in this regard. It is engaging on this but there are environmental issues. For example, the availability of a water supply is a particular issue on the Roscrea site. All these issues have to be examined before a decision is made. When a proposal is brought to me or whomever succeeds me, that will be dealt with and I am sure it will be looked on favourably because the Government recognises the importance of the resource, particularly to lakes in the midlands. We need to ensure continuity in the fish supply. There are also tourism and social benefits. IFI has done a great deal of work on getting children involved in angling as a recreational activity and a sport. There needs to be continuity of supply for that to continue and I have highlighted that at all times to the board of IFI. That is, thankfully, why IFI indefinitely postponed the decision that had been made. When a proposal is brought to me for investment, I will bring that to the Government and the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform and I will continue to engage with the board and the chief executive officer of IFI regarding its plans. I commend the Senator on his interest in this matter and I will continue to engage with all relevant parties to ensure a resolution to the concerns of anglers and to achieve a full and solution to ensure continuity in the supply of fish.