Seanad debates

Wednesday, 8 May 2024

Nithe i dtosach suíonna - Commencement Matters

Recycling Policy

12:30 pm

Photo of Alan DillonAlan Dillon (Mayo, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source

I thank the Senator. The points he has made about ownership and which Department is most responsible and most effective in the implementation of this are very valid.

The Department of the Environment, Climate and Communication has run a circular economy innovation grant scheme for a number of years. I understand an announcement is expected shortly regarding this year’s call for applications. This scheme is specifically aimed to support innovation and demonstrate circular economy projects by small and medium enterprise and social enterprises. It is a key objective of the scheme to support projects that will have a direct impact on operating environments and act as a demonstrator for others.

A further €650,000 has been allocated to support the scheme in 2024, bringing the total funding to €1.8 million since the scheme was launched in 2021. Similarly, the Environmental Protection Agency’s circular economy programme promotes circularity as an economic model to enhance coherence and alignment among national, regional and local activities. The desired outcome is to mobilise businesses.

As the Senator said, Naughtons Car Dismantlers outside Castlebar is one of the premium dismantlers in County Mayo and should be supported. I certainly support the Senator in that regard. While I know Mayo local enterprise office does fantastic work, it is important that our network of enterprise support agencies expands to provide individualised supports for businesses of every size. I encourage people in businesses who have ideas, including those the Senator commendably raised, to speak to the local enterprise office which can direct them further on where the expertise and funding may become available.


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