Seanad debates

Thursday, 7 March 2024

European Arrest Warrant (Amendment) Bill 2022: Motion


9:30 am

Photo of Maria ByrneMaria Byrne (Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source

A message has been received from the Dáil concerning the amendments made by the Seanad to the European Arrest Warrant (Amendment) Bill 2022. The message has been set down on the Order Paper. The list of the amendments made by the Seanad and considered by the Dáil has been circulated for the information of Members. The Dáil considered and agreed to amendments Nos. 1 to 12, inclusive, and amendments Nos. 14 to 47, inclusive. The Dáil has agreed to amendment No. 13 with a further amendment. Any Senator may move the amendment to Seanad amendment No. 13. I call Senator Conway to move the amendment to the amendment.


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