Seanad debates

Wednesday, 6 March 2024

Nithe i dtosach suíonna - Commencement Matters

Fire Service

10:30 am

Photo of Marie SherlockMarie Sherlock (Labour) | Oireachtas source

I thank the Minister of State for the response. He set out what should happen but we do not have any detail as to how the Department ever follows up with the individual fire services, how comprehensive the preparation of PIP cards is, whether that information in any way exists within the Department or whether there are reporting mechanisms for fire services internally or to the local authorities. Ultimately, if the public is to have confidence in its fire services going forward, particularly in Dublin, where the city is transforming before our eyes given the number of buildings that have gone up in recent years, we need to ensure there are reporting processes in place. It is one thing having a plan and guidance for fire services but that is very different from enforcement and follow-up. I am not hearing that from the Department at this time and I strongly suggest that the Department ensures those reporting mechanisms are put in place. It is insane in this day and age, in 2024, six years on from when the fire safety task force was set out, that we do not have those pre-fire intelligence surveys at a comprehensive level within fire services across the country. I ask the Department to do something about it.


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