Seanad debates

Tuesday, 5 March 2024

Nithe i dtosach suíonna - Commencement Matters

Development Contributions

1:00 pm

Photo of John CumminsJohn Cummins (Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source

Many involved in the sector will be quite surprised by the last paragraph of the Minister of State's reply. I appreciate that today is 5 March and these measures are in place until 24 April. As a Government we want to drive commencements and encourage everyone that has valid planning permission to get on-site before that date. However, while the answer given may be valid today, I hope that in the coming weeks a decision will be made to extend the waivers for a further year. These measure have had the desired impact. We have seen a positive trajectory in the commencement data and we need to see that continuing if we want the output and completion figures to continue to increase. I will speak to the Minister for housing, Deputy O'Brien and to the Minister of State, Deputy O'Donnell about this, as I am sure will individuals from the construction sector itself.I would appreciate it were the Minister of State to convey to the Minister the strong need, which I have emphasised today, to extend the scheme for a further 12 months and beyond the current scope of the scheme.


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