Seanad debates

Wednesday, 5 July 2023

Seanad Electoral (University Members) (Amendment) Bill 2020: Committee Stage


10:30 am

Photo of Lynn RuaneLynn Ruane (Independent) | Oireachtas source

These first amendments are not about expanding the register. A lot of time was spent talking about this aspect. We put a lot of work into scrutinising legislation and proposing amendments, trusting it reflects what we are about to do. It feels like there is a desire here, though, to say things on the record concerning what is being done on reform and what has happened already in this regard, but not to actually engage in the meat of this work.

Regarding the expansion of the register, under this legislation as currently proposed, without amendments Nos. 1 and 11 being accepted, there is no workable register. It would not even be possible to have an election now. I do not think it is good enough not to be able to engage in the meat of these proposed amendments concerning an important reform without looking at the vocational panels as well. A million people still cannot vote. To say reform is being considered without Senators looking at their own seats does not feel like this process is being meaningfully engaged with. Without considering amendments Nos. 1 and 11, nothing in this Bill now provides a way to run an election. I refer to it not even having been said that consideration will be given to this issue between now and Report Stage, and this aspect is a big gap in this legislation. I refer to there being no working register and it not being possible to run an election under this legislation and no mention being made regarding engagement on this issue between now and the next Stage to ensure this legislation could do that.


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