Seanad debates

Tuesday, 30 May 2023

Mother and Baby Institutions Payment Scheme Bill 2022: Committee Stage (Resumed)


1:00 pm

Photo of Roderic O'GormanRoderic O'Gorman (Dublin West, Green Party) | Oireachtas source

I appreciate the Senator's clarification regarding who makes the call on whether amendments are in or out of order. As the amendments in this grouping have been ruled out of order, I do not want to get into a debate on their provisions, but I draw the Senator's attention to the existing definition under section 2(2), which provides that a person who "was born in, or admitted as a resident to" an institution, he or she will be included within the definition of "resident in". Persons who were born in the maternity hospital but were subsequently admitted to one of the institutions in the Schedule will be deemed as having been "resident in" that institution. Perhaps the Senator was trying to copper-fasten that provision or bring clarity to it, but the circumstances he was seeking to address in this group of amendments have been addressed. While they might not have been addressed with the absolute clarity that he and those who advised him would like, they are covered. I thank him for his comments.


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