Seanad debates

Tuesday, 28 March 2023

Nithe i dtosach suíonna - Commencement Matters

Public Health Nursing Services

12:30 pm

Photo of Niall CollinsNiall Collins (Limerick County, Fianna Fail) | Oireachtas source

The Minister, Deputy Stephen Donnelly, fully acknowledges the Senator’s concerns and those of the community in Drimnagh regarding the relocation from the Curlew Road Health Centre to the Armagh Road primary care centre. However, it is important to note this is a short-term measure to pool resources while recruitment challenges exist. The introduction of the measure will allow the service to provide better continuity of care while ensuring those with the greatest clinical need continue to be seen in the community. The Department has received an assurance that the measure will be under daily review to ensure delivery of a safe service. The population of Drimnagh will continue to be served, with the Curlew Road centre acting as a satellite clinic. Once staffing levels increase, nursing staff will return to Curlew Road Health Centre.

While every effort is being made to address recruitment challenges in the short term, including ongoing campaigns, longer term recruitment challenges face a range of sectors, including health. It is expected that the recently established community nursing national oversight group will propose recommendations later this year to address some longer term issues in the recruitment and retention of public health and community-registered nurses. The Minister wishes to reassure the Senator that the Department of Health and HSE will continue to work together to review and monitor the service levels and to utilise all practical options to fill vacancies in Dublin South-West and elsewhere.


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