Seanad debates

Tuesday, 28 February 2023

Nithe i dtosach suíonna - Commencement Matters

Housing Policy

12:30 pm

Photo of Fiona O'LoughlinFiona O'Loughlin (Fianna Fail) | Oireachtas source

I thank the Minister of State for his response. I am afraid it is not going to bring any comfort to the couple I am engaging with or, indeed, anybody in that situation. I fully understand the rationale for the eviction ban. It was the right decision at the time. However, I do not think first-time buyers or even the landlords themselves were considered when implementing that ban. Due to that eviction ban, hardworking people have been penalised from the get-go as those who were ready to make a closure have not been able to move into their homes. Tenants have been covered by the ban but purchasers are not. I honestly believe people in that position need to have some sort of protection. It is not their fault and yet they are being penalised. I am talking about those who are living at home with their parents, those who are living in a mobile home and those who are paying rent. Mortgage interest rates will be going up, in this case by over €300. I understand the Government does not have a role in such commercial decisions but I plead with the Minister for Finance to send a message to the banks. I want the Minister of State to bring this back to him. To be fair, I know of one situation where the lender is honouring a commitment made last year but many of them are not. We need to be very firm on this.


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