Seanad debates

Tuesday, 11 October 2022

Nithe i dtosach suíonna - Commencement Matters

Community Employment Schemes

2:30 pm

Photo of Sharon KeoganSharon Keogan (Independent) | Oireachtas source

Of course they can but if that is what the Minister is proposing, why are we encouraging them by giving them more money – an extra €12 – through the budget? They are not being encouraged to work. They are being given an extra €12 per week to stay in unemployment, to remain as a jobseeker, when we should be encouraging them to get on the programmes. In fact, the longer they are on jobseeker’s allowance, the more we should decrease their payments.

I would like to live in a society in which everyone who is able participates. I refer to people of all abilities. Those who may have some disabilities also want to participate, so we need a society in which we can encourage people to work. If there is more that can be done to encourage the cohort in question to work, I would really welcome it.


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