Seanad debates

Tuesday, 27 September 2022

Nithe i dtosach suíonna - Commencement Matters

Environmental Policy

12:00 pm

Photo of Lynn BoylanLynn Boylan (Sinn Fein) | Oireachtas source

Go raibh maith agat, a Chathaoirligh. I dtús báire ba mhaith liom fáilte a chur roimh an Aire Stáit chuig an Teach. The Minister of State may be aware there is a European Citizens' Initiative at the moment to call on the European Commission to propose an EU legislative Act to ban sponsorships and advertisements by fossil fuel companies. We all know that fossil fuel companies are perpetuating the climate crisis and that advertising climate-damaging products leads to an uplift in their sales. If it did not, why would these companies bother spending millions of euro on ad campaigns? It is very interesting that one case study carried out by the New Weather Institute think tank found regarding a single Audi advertising campaign there was an uplift in sales of up to 132,700 cars. That led to an overall increase of greenhouse gas emissions of 5.2 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent due to a single advertising campaign by the Audi car company.

We know that banning fossil fuel adverts is a no-brainer. Oil and gas companies have spent decades continuing to mislead the public and politicians on climate change and undercut global efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. We know that the advertising campaigns focus on idyllic images of wind turbines and solar panels being pumped into our homes, phones and streets.

I have complaints against a number of misleading advertisements in this country by companies such as Applegreen, Bord Gáis and Flogas. It is not fair leaving it to citizens and politicians to be the watchdog and take the individual complaints. Individuals cannot stem the torrent of disinformation; it is just not possible. That is why I am asking that the Government would act to cut the flow at its source.

A ban may seem like a bold move, but Ireland showed great leadership when it did that with tobacco. We can take pride that our State stood up to big tobacco. Now, we have to stand up to the big oil and gas companies by banning fossil fuel advertisements.

Fossil fuel sponsorships are also being used for political access. In 2016, an Unearthed investigation found that BP used its sponsorship deal with the British Museum and a specific Day of the Dead exhibition to further its oil plans in Mexico and Australia.Freedom of information, FOI, requests revealed that BP had sought to access Mexican and British Government figures at a private event by the British Museum as part of the BP-sponsored Day of the Dead festival just one month before bidding opened for new deepwater drilling permits controlled by the Mexican Government. There are multiple examples of fossil fuel companies using these sponsorships to advance their own business via the granted access of sponsorships. In Ireland, for example, we have the Bord Gáis Energy Theatre and sponsorship of the GAA, and Mag Mell Energy and other gas companies sponsor conferences. I commend the Irish comedians Michael Fry, Hannah Mamalis and Seán Burke, who have done stellar work over recent weeks in making arguments for the European Citizens' Initiative. I do not know if the Minister of State has seen those comedians' videos but, if not, I urge him to take a look at them because they are excellent. If I have not convinced him, the Irish comedians might.

The latest figures show that thousands of Irish people have signed up to the European Citizens' Initiative. However, the proposal has to be considered at a European level, and thousands more would have to sign up at banfossilfuelads.orgin order for that to happen. At this point, therefore, we need the Government to show leadership, take that initiative, follow other European countries and ban fossil fuel adverts, rather than waiting for the European Commission to do so.


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