Seanad debates

Wednesday, 22 September 2021

Nithe i dtosach suíonna - Commencement Matters

Employment Permits

10:30 am

Photo of Damien EnglishDamien English (Meath West, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source

I again thank the Senator for raising the issue. I assure him that we recognise it is extremely important. An efficient and responsive employment permit system is a critical lever in addressing the economy’s skills needs and in ensuring that talent is attracted to Ireland from non-EEA sources. Its success in this regard is reflected in the flow of skilled non-EEA professionals to the country and the critical role they play in the continued growth of the economy.

The reviews to which I referred are guided by research undertaken by the expert group on future skills needs and the skills and labour market research unit of SOLAS. A public consultation is included. Account is taken of education outputs, sectoral upskilling, training initiatives and known contextual factors such as Brexit and Covid-19. Input is provided by the relevant policy Departments, including the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, and the economic migration interdepartmental group chaired by the Department.

I welcome the opportunity to underscore that Ireland is a leader in linking labour market intelligence to policy development. In our discussions with all the sectors that are experiencing labour issues, I fully explained to them that we expect that, where at all possible, labour is sourced locally from within Ireland, then from within the EU and thereafter moving on to the permit scheme. As part of that, industry and the various sectors have to make every effort to engage with our education partners through all our stakeholders, such as SOLAS, education and training boards, institutes of technology and so on, to try to find new programmes and initiatives to bring forward skills and to upskill staff. In addition, they need to work with Intreo offices through the Department of Social Protection under the pathways to work strategy to access supports to enable them to find new talent, such as among people who are currently on the pandemic unemployment payment or jobseeker's benefit. If there is a genuine need and shortage despite all that effort, we will work with the sector and respond. It should be borne in mind that we have to try to put in place more initiatives to upskill people living here in order to enable them to take up those jobs in the long term and I expect all sectors to work with us on that. The majority of them do so and are trying. It needs an effort from all of us to make this happen in the long term.


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