Seanad debates

Wednesday, 23 September 2020

Withdrawal Agreement Between the United Kingdom and the European Union: Motion


10:30 am

Photo of David NorrisDavid Norris (Independent) | Oireachtas source

I am very grateful to my colleague, Senator Craughwell, for giving me this opportunity. It would be a good idea if the Government sent a copy of this important debate to the British Government so that it can see the strength of feeling in this country. I feel particularly strongly because my father was English. He was an honourable man. He won the marine VC in the First World War. He got a knighthood in the Second World War for his services. He always said that an Englishman's word is his bond. We also have the French saying, la perfide Albion. As a result of this action by the British Government, I am rather inclined to side with the French.

The Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, Mr. Brandon Lewis, said in the House of Commons, "I would say to my hon. Friend that yes, this does break international law". What an extraordinary thing. What a pity they did not think about this cavalier approach to international agreements in 1914. We could have avoided the First World War if they had done this. We are now confronted with the prospect of the law of the jungle. The lawmakers are becoming themselves the lawbreakers which is a shocking prospect to consider.

Maroš Šefovi, vice president of the European Commission, called for an extraordinary meeting of the EU-UK joint committee and stated that "if the Bill were to be adopted, it would constitute an extremely serious violation of the Withdrawal Agreement and of international law." What an extraordinary thing to say in Parliament. Five former British Prime Ministers from across the political spectrum have expressed their absolute horror. Yesterday the Northern Ireland Assembly passed a motion objecting to this.

They are trying to place Her Majesty the Queen in an extraordinary position. The UK Prime Minister, Mr. Johnson, tried to get her involved in proroguing Parliament illegally, forcing the Queen to break law. Now he is trying to get her to break international law. I hope to goodness she stands up to him and if the Bill is passed refuses to sign it. It is a most extraordinary thing to have happened.

I express my complete and absolute condemnation of this action by the British Government and call upon it to withdraw its position immediately.


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