Seanad debates

Thursday, 12 December 2019

Appointment of Sarcoma Specialist at St. Vincent's University Hospital: Statements


10:30 am

Photo of Finian McGrathFinian McGrath (Dublin Bay North, Independent) | Oireachtas source

I thank Senators Devine and Buttimer for raising this very important issue. I share their frustration and, in particular, the frustration and concerns of patients. I wish to confirm that in September St. Vincent's University Hospital was advised that the selected consultant medical oncologist with a special interest in sarcoma would not be taking up the post for personal reasons. As St. Vincent's is a voluntary hospital, it operates its own recruitment policy and has full discretion regarding appointments. Although I understand that patients may be frustrated by the delay in the role being filled, I am advised that it was readvertised with a closing date of 3 November. The hospital has completed the shortlisting of candidates and intends to hold interviews at the end of January with a view to ensuring that a suitable individual is appointed as soon as possible. Of course, I will bring the Senators' concerns back to the Minister, Deputy Harris. I assure Senator Devine that, in the meantime, high quality service will continue to be delivered to sarcoma patients by St. Vincent's hospital through its multidisciplinary team with oversight by the national clinical lead in soft tissue sarcoma.


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