Seanad debates

Thursday, 12 December 2019

Nithe i dtosach suíonna - Commencement Matters

Bus Services

10:30 am

Photo of Pat BreenPat Breen (Clare, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source

I agree with Senator Lombard that the programme is very positive. It commenced, in conjunction with Cork County Council, in east Cork and the Senator is 100% correct that it is only appropriate that it is extended. Bus Éireann, the NTA and Cork County Council will probably do that in the very near future. It all depends on funding, but it is a positive start. As I said in my reply, the NTA hopes to expand the programme to additional locations in 2020, in co-operation with Cork County Council.

Given that Senator Lombard is in such close contact with councillors in Cork, perhaps he could ask them to table a motion at local level to supplement what he is doing at national level. He is doing very good work to ensure he highlights this issue in the Seanad. It would be useful.

I will bring back his genuine concerns to the Minister, Deputy Ross, and the NTA to ensure they can complete the programme and install wheelchair accessible bus stops in west Cork locations. It is a good area for industry and tourism and many people in the area use public transport. I support him in this. He should continue to work with his colleagues at local level to ensure there is a co-ordinated approach and that they work in collaboration to ensure bus stops are installed in west Cork in the next round of the programme.


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