Seanad debates

Wednesday, 12 June 2019

Nithe i dtosach suíonna - Commencement Matters

Medical Aids and Appliances

10:30 am

Photo of Maria ByrneMaria Byrne (Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source

I thank the Minister of State. While I accept that everything is being assessed and that there is a waiting list, the lives of these three people have been impacted. The Minister of State has just said there are 25 people on the waiting list. I am not sure how many other people are affected but I have been contacted by three individuals and I am really concerned that they have no quality of life. They cannot do what they have been used to doing every day. It is my understanding that in other CHO areas people get their wheelchairs more or less straight away. It very much depends on the number of people on the list. Is there any hope that some of the funding that is not being used in other areas could be diverted on a temporary basis? It is not fair that 25 people are waiting in the CHO 3 area while there are few if any waiting in others. I know that is hearsay but the people with whom I am in contact have spoken to patients in other areas who got chairs immediately. There is a problem here and the funding must be found. That is what I am asking for today.


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