Seanad debates
Wednesday, 30 January 2019
Nithe i dtosach suíonna - Commencement Matters
Cancer Services Provision
10:30 am
Colm Burke (Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source
I thank the Minister of State for coming to the House to deal with this matter. This question is on a very important issue, the oncology radiation services in Cork. As a result of the overrun in the cost of building the new national children's hospital, there is concern that other projects which were in the process of being provided with capital funding will be affected. One of these projects is this one in Cork. I tabled this Commencement matter to seek a clear indication that the project will not be affected. The delivery of this unit is essential for Cork and the southern region. It is in that context that I raise this matter. It is important that clarification be given at this stage.
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