Seanad debates

Thursday, 15 November 2018

Greyhound Racing Bill 2018: Committee Stage (Resumed)


10:30 am

Photo of Andrew DoyleAndrew Doyle (Wicklow, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source

As it stands at the moment, Bord na gCon has a scientific advisory committee that advises on thresholds. The equipment it has is very sophisticated. As far as I am aware, it has decided to publish every result, every positive finding, no matter how minuscule. Once that finding is published, it is determined to be a positive. Scientific data is used to determine whether the levels contained in the sample would have any effect, good or bad, on the animal's performance. On Senator Ruane's point, there are environmental contaminants that are unavoidable and that will show up with sophisticated testing but that do not have any actual material effect. Such contaminants could be on money notes, on the Senator's handkerchief or anything. That was the test that was done by Dublin City University.

It is our aim to be practical and there is no scientific data or backup that says four months is mandatory. The amendment speaks more to a message rather than science; I accept that. It is to be a message to everyone that there is a minimum of four months. However, we are trying to base this primarily on scientific data. There could be a far greater ban. There are further sanctions for repeat offenders. This is within the remit of the control committee and the appeals committee. That is the purpose of separating out the body that applies the sanction, taking that power away from the board and giving it to the control and appeal committees. That is then seen to be at arm's length from the board itself, while it makes the regulation. It is the same principle as when the Government makes regulations for the likes of the banking sector but does not apply the rules. That is the purpose behind it. It is trying to be science based and is trying to allow for environmental contamination that will occur. It is on the basis of scientific knowledge determining what levels have a material impact. If there is any material impact on the dog's performance, that is not tolerable and is sanctioned. That is the key message.


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