Seanad debates

Tuesday, 6 November 2018

Commencement Matters

School Accommodation Provision

2:30 pm

Photo of Joe McHughJoe McHugh (Donegal, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source

Gabhaim buíochas leis an Seanadóir as ucht an cheist seo a ardú. Aontaím léi go bhfuil an-tábhacht ag baint leis an ábhar seo. I thank the Senator for raising this matter as it gives me the opportunity to clarify the current position relating to my Department's plans to meet the demand for school places in the Fingal area and in St. Joseph's secondary school, Rush. My predecessor, Deputy Bruton, announced plans for the establishment of 42 new schools over the four years from 2019 to 2022. This announcement follows nationwide demographic exercises carried out by my Department on the future need for primary and post-primary schools across the country. The four-year horizon will enable increased lead-in times for planning and delivery of the necessary infrastructure.

This announcement included three new post-primary schools to be established in the Fingal area as follows: a new 1,000 pupil post-primary school to serve the Donaghmede-Howth D13 school planning area to be established in 2019; a new 800 pupil post-primary school to serve the Blanchardstown west D15 and Blanchardstown village D15 school planning areas as a regional solution to be established in 2020; and a new 800 pupil post-primary school to serve the Donaghmede-Howth D13 school planning area to be established in 2021. In addition to the new schools announced, my Department’s capital investment programme also provides for devolved funding for additional classrooms for existing schools where an immediate enrolment need has been identified. The requirement for new schools will be kept under ongoing review and, in particular, would have regard for the increased roll-out of housing provision as outlined in Project Ireland 2040.

With regard to St. Joseph’s secondary school, my Department received an application for additional accommodation from the school. I am pleased to advise the Senator that it recently issued approval, in principle, to the board of management for the rental of two science laboratories, one technical graphics-design communication graphics room and one general classroom, as an interim measure, pending delivery of the permanent school building. The Senator will also be aware that a major building project to provide a new replacement school building for St. Joseph’s secondary school, Rush, is included in my Department's six-year construction programme. A site is required for this purpose and this is currently being pursued.


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