Seanad debates
Tuesday, 3 July 2018
Commencement Matters
Care of the Elderly Provision
12:30 pm
Finian McGrath (Dublin Bay North, Independent) | Oireachtas source
On behalf of the Minister of State with responsibility for mental health and older people, Deputy Jim Daly, I thank Senator Feighan for raising this very important matter. I also acknowledge his work on this issue and with regard to health and disability services and senior citizen services in his area.
The overarching policy of the Government is to support older people to live with dignity and independence in their own homes and communities for as long as possible, and to support access to quality long-term residential care where this is appropriate, and this appropriateness is the important aspect. Yesterday we announced €14 million for housing adaptation grants for senior citizens with disabilities and this is another step in the same direction, so we have more people living in their own homes, where possible, as long as they have the proper facilities and accessibility.
The HSE has operational responsibility for planning, managing and delivering health and personal social services. Home care and other community services provide a greater range of options to avoid admission to acute hospitals, support early discharges and, where appropriate, to rehabilitate and re-able patients after periods of particular difficulty.
Our ageing population is one of the most significant demographic and societal developments that Ireland has encountered in modern times. Not only are people living longer, but a great many people are staying healthier and living better for longer. Demand for community services is rising as more people are supported in their own homes rather than in hospitals or nursing homes. However, quality residential care must continue to be available for those who need it. I emphasise this angle to the debate. It is for those who urgently need it.
Primary care centres provide a range of key services to address the health needs of their local communities. Access to day centres can make an important contribution by providing invaluable support, advice and social interaction for older people who may, for any number of reasons, be experiencing isolation and loneliness. The Ballinamore primary care centre and community nursing unit consists of a modern purpose-built primary care centre and interconnected 20 bed community nursing unit. The community nursing unit has been operational since May 2016. There are 18 single bedrooms and one twin bedroom. Residents are supported by a full nursing team and support team, who provide nursing care and support on a 24-hour basis. Medical care is provided by a GP service Monday to Friday between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Outside these hours medical care is provided by NoWDOC. Multidisciplinary team members are accessible to residents through a referral process.
Ballinamore forms part of the south Leitrim complement of nursing home beds, which includes St. Patrick's hospital in Carrick-on-Shannon with 65 beds and Arus Carolan in Mohill with 36 beds. At present, there are no plans to provide additional beds in Ballinamore. However, as the Senator is aware, the national development plan acknowledges the need for additional capacity. It is expected that 4,500 additional short-term and long-term beds will be required across the public system in community nursing units and other step-down facilities, as identified by the health capacity review.
Health capital projects and programmes under way will continue, and these major priority projects will require the bulk of the notified capital allocation over the initial period of the plan from 2018 to 2022. The next planned phase of service provision for Ballinamore is the introduction of an integrated social day care service, which will further enhance day service provision in the south Leitrim area. It is envisaged that hot meals for clients who attend will be provided through the Ballinamore community nursing unit based on the same site. Social day services help to prevent social isolation, reduce possible hospital admissions and support early discharge from acute settings. The integrated social day care service will provide clients with opportunities to engage with their peers while participating in social activities. The HSE is seeking funding through the 2019 Estimates process to progress this plan and I will be very supportive of it.
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