Seanad debates

Tuesday, 17 April 2018

2:30 pm

Photo of Mark DalyMark Daly (Fianna Fail) | Oireachtas source

This issue is the acknowledgement of their great achievement of winning the Pulitzer Prize. The Iowa state Senate refused to acknowledge them winning the prize because they had been critical of President Trump. The most important thing in any democracy is a free press. A free press should criticise politicians when they need to be criticised and should point out where wrong is done. When it achieves greatly as this small newspaper has done, winning the most prestigious prize in journalism, I think it would be fitting and appropriate that its own state Senate would acknowledge that. In light of the fact that the Senate has not done so, it would be appropriate for the land of the ancestors of the Cullen family to acknowledge their great achievement. I ask the Leader to support that motion.


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