Seanad debates

Wednesday, 21 March 2018

Electoral (Amendment) (Voting at 16) Bill 2016: Committee Stage


10:30 am

Photo of Lynn RuaneLynn Ruane (Independent) | Oireachtas source

A few minutes ago, we heard Senator Marie-Louise O'Donnell discourage people from getting involved in politics. That is such a negative message to send to young people. It comes from a position where politics does not affect one's life very much. However, if someone comes from a background like mine, where political decisions to which people do not have access literally shape the environment without them being able to contribute to it, politics is very important. I learned that at a very young age. Maybe if one has the ability to focus solely on one's hobbies or education, then politics seems like some sort of luxury but for people who are outside the loop of politics, without access to some of those things, politics is what will decide their fate for ever more. It will determine if they are able to access education in the first place. It will determine whether they have a sports ground on which to pursue the hobbies Senator O'Donnell talks about. We do not have the same access, and politics was very important to me.

When I was 13, I remember standing out on a street after my friend was knocked down by a bus. We had experienced a few deaths leading up to that incident. There were no ramps on that road. It was the first time I felt really exercised and conscious that I needed politicians to do something. We needed ramps, and we protested for three days. The protest was made up of children. There was not an adult, 18 year old or 25 year old in sight. We were aged ten, 11, 12 or 13 years old, and we barricaded that ring-road for days until somebody put ramps in to stop children from dying on it.

Young people need to be able to have a say in their community. We, the young people, got those ramps built. In the schools, we got the uniforms changed for those who did not want to wear skirts. My 11 year old is educating her class in school on the issue of trans people's rights. I would trust her with my vote more than some people in this room, and they are elected. She is 11 years old. It is very patronising to tell me I should discourage young people from getting involved in politics. I know this is verging on a rant, but it really upset me.

Politics is about activism, involvement and community. It is about having a say and being heard. It is about being able to be part of a decision-making process. It does not mean being among the lucky few that get to stand in this House. We are the minority, and I reiterate that. Politics takes place across the country in many forms, at many levels. It is not all about elections or youth wings of parties. It is about people being enfranchised, empowered and able to make change in their own lives, their communities and their families. We should never ever discourage that.


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