Seanad debates

Tuesday, 3 October 2017

2:30 pm

Photo of Jennifer Murnane O'ConnorJennifer Murnane O'Connor (Fianna Fail) | Oireachtas source

I raise a local issue that I have raised several times previously with the Minister without success. Four months ago, we received the bad news that a proposed respite house in Bagenalstown would not proceed. Four or five months prior to that decision being taken, the HSE indicated to me that it was considering placing a deposit on a house in Tullow. Several weeks ago, in response to a parliamentary question, the Minister stated the Government was committed to providing services and supports to people with disabilities which would empower them to live independent lives and provide greater independence. It also advised me to revert to the HSE on the issue. I was extremely disappointed with the Minister's reply.

In recent days, I received a response to a query from the HSE in Carlow-Kilkenny reiterating that a deposit had been paid on a house in Tullow and noting that it would be 12 months or more before a respite service would be available. This Christmas, the Tír na nÓg respite service for children in counties Carlow and Kilkenny will have been closed for two years. We were informed a new service would be provided in Gleann na Bearú in Bagenalstown but the project fell through. I have since been informed by the Minister and HSE that it will be 12 months before the house in Tullow is ready. When I received the letter from the HSE last week, I did not call any of the affected parents because I do not know what will happen. It is a disgrace that for almost two years, we have not had a respite service for children with disabilities. Waiting another 12 months will mean a service will not have been available for three years, which is unacceptable. Children and families waiting for this respite care service to open are being given false hope. This is an urgent case and I call on the Minister to address the matter in the House.

The budget will be introduced next week and I hope it will be a good one because children are suffering.


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