Seanad debates

Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Adoption (Amendment) Bill 2016: Committee Stage


2:30 pm

Photo of Alice-Mary HigginsAlice-Mary Higgins (Independent) | Oireachtas source

I thank the Minister for her response. I acknowledge that one of the strong features of the Bill is that it recognises the family unit as including step-parents, which I very much welcome, and all forms of partnership. Of course, we are moving past recognising civil partnerships now to recognising marriage between same-sex couples and the full diversity of the family unit. My point relates to the family network which is even wider than the family unit - in Ireland there is a strong focus on the family unit - and to that wider network of meaningful relationships. The Minister might not be able to comment but, and this arose in the Dáil as well, perhaps there could be a wider definition of relevant non-guardian. Could the Minister give a sense of where she believes she might be able to go in terms of widening that definition to reflect that wider spectrum of family relationships?

I am concerned that we might fall between two stools here. We are hearing that some of the issues we are discussing might arise in the information and tracing Bill. The Minister has acknowledged that the contact plan and the measures involved are happening informally, but the Bill has no recognition or accommodation of that. It would be important, between now and Report Stage, to find some way to build in a recognition of those types of agreements whereby they might be supported. In one sense this Bill might be moving forward. However, in the information and tracing Bill we might not be in a position to amend this legislation because this legislation might still be held up. It would be important to have a meeting between Committee and Report Stages to ensure this Bill is ready to serve and complement the information and tracing Bill and does not itself require amendment.


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