Seanad debates
Tuesday, 6 December 2016
Commencement Matters
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Campaign
2:30 pm
Denis Naughten (Roscommon-Galway, Independent) | Oireachtas source
The home renovation incentive scheme kicks in lower than €5,000. The maximum is €5,000 but there are grants below that figure. It is available for home owners. The big problem we have relates to raising awareness of radon.The Senator is right and we must put a remediation programme in place. There is not much point in telling people they have a problem unless we can assist them with it.
I am quite prepared to consider how we should put a structure in place. As the Senator knows, we have limited finance available and perhaps we could start with a pilot scheme to see the scale of the problem. We have done that successfully within the energy division in my Department through the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland with other programmes. We have some very good models. I am quite happy to engage with Senator Swanick and see how we can progress both of the issues.
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