Seanad debates

Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Commencement Matters

Mayoral Election

2:30 pm

Photo of Damien EnglishDamien English (Meath West, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source

To be very clear, the Minister, Deputy Coveney, is following what is laid out in the programme for Government approach to this. He has promised to bring forward a report in mid-2017, which still matches the timeline the Senator envisages. We have to recognise that it is not just the Senator and his research that we have to consult. We have to consult all the various stakeholders that this affects. We have come through major change in local government over the last couple of years under the last Government. Some of it has worked quite well while there are other areas in which concerns have been raised. The Minister wants to make sure that we make this decision for the right reasons, that it leads on to better local government and better decision-making. I understand what the Senator is saying about it being more cost-effective and more effective for decision-making, but the point is not just to have the vote for the sake of it. It has to be genuinely for the right reasons and we have to have thought it all through. The Senator knows how the Minister, Deputy Coveney, approaches his work. He thinks everything through and makes sure there is a reason for it. That report will be brought before the Houses in mid-2017 and a decision will be made on it that will bring us on to the next step.

At this stage, it is worthwhile using the next four or five months to consult all stakeholders, get everyone's opinion on this and make the right decision on behalf of Dublin city. The Senator has made very valid arguments. There is no doubt about that. However, we have to make sure we avoid duplication. We have seen it in the past in local authorities and we are trying to eliminate it. If we get this right, it will be a worthwhile project. It is important that we wait for the report and take it step by step. It still means we can match the timelines as the Senator envisages. There is nothing to say that cannot be achieved if the Oireachtas wants to go that way. The report in mid-2017 is the first step and we will take it from there. I will make sure that the Minister hears the Senator's views and I will report back to him.


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