Seanad debates

Thursday, 17 December 2015

Planning and Development (Amendment) Bill 2015: [Seanad Bill amended by the Dáil] Report and Final Stages


10:30 am

Photo of Paudie CoffeyPaudie Coffey (Waterford, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source

I recognise the mandate of local councillors and their importance, given their power in drafting and adopting county, local area, conservation and other plans. Ministerial directions are rare, and the rarer, the better. We are adopting national planning frameworks and have regional plans under which we are trying to direct investment and public policy decision-making towards appropriate areas of development. Sometimes councils deviate from a national or regional plan. We must learn from the past. We have seen mistakes, with overzoning and overelaboration, that is, unnecessary building. Yesterday, I announced the outcome of a report on unfinished housing developments. Four or, at most, five years ago, we had almost 3,000 unfinished housing estates throughout the country. Unfortunately, many of these were in remote areas and places where it is possible they should not have been built.

I take on board the Senator's concerns about the local mandate. I recognise that democratic mandate as well as the power and responsibility of local councillors to adopt plans, but it is not a new development for guidelines to issue. Under this Bill, the minimum standard we are setting for apartments is a good one and compares favourably with similar standards in the UK and Germany. We are adopting a minimum standard which will not stop any proposer, developer, builder or whoever from building far in excess of that minimum. We are introducing the guidelines to develop a consistent and balanced approach to address concerns regarding the viability of construction and ensure we can deliver the number of house and apartment units to meet current housing demand. We are not trying to undermine councils or bring back substandard apartments. We are setting a minimum standard that is viable, affordable and accessible for the people who most need those units.

As the Minister of State with responsibility, I am reluctant to interfere with county development plans. However, sometimes I must do so where they deviate from national and regional policies which are set in the best interests of our citizens.


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