Seanad debates

Thursday, 3 December 2015

International Protection Bill 2015: Committee Stage


10:30 am

Photo of Trevor Ó ClochartaighTrevor Ó Clochartaigh (Sinn Fein) | Oireachtas source

I would be grateful if the Minister of State could supply the aforementioned list of the recommendations of the working group which are included in this legislation. That would be very useful for us, particularly prior to our deliberations on the Bill on Monday next.

My concern is that the legislation does very little to change the direct provision system as is. The Minister of State argued in his opening statement that the biggest issue is the length of time people are in the direct provision system but I do not agree. The system itself is also a big problem. It is a privatised system of accommodation provision where families, sometimes four or five people, share a single room; where individuals who are strangers to each other are forced to share rooms; where children cannot be let out into public spaces such as corridors in hotels because of child protection issues; and where children cannot invite their friends from school over for parties and so forth. These are institutional issues and I know the Minister of State has raised them in the past. The system of direct provision itself is broken and that is why this Bill should provide for changes to that system. The Minister of State has talked the talk on reform and change but that should be in the Bill. This legislation deals with the protection element of the Immigration, Residence and Protection Bill but I have no faith that further legislation will be coming down the line any time soon.This Bill is concerned with protection. I have no faith the other promised legislation is coming down the line in any great hurry. As such, I am very concerned for all those people who have been waiting for ten, 11 or 12 years to have their cases decided. Good luck to those who have been granted subsidiary protection, leave to remain or refugee status. However, there are many others stuck in a system that is causing harm while they are in it. This is not just about the length of time people are waiting but the system itself. We know abuses have happened in various direct provision centres. Now is the time - before this Government leaves office - to address these matters. If we do not do it now, I am afraid it never will be done.


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