Seanad debates

Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Teaching Council (Amendment) Bill 2015: Second Stage


Photo of Caít KeaneCaít Keane (Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source

I refer to the issue of the seriousness threshold in cases of professional misconduct. The definition of words is very important but the primary Act does not contain a definition. The interpretation of language is important when reading a Bill and interpretations can differ. Most of our teachers are good teachers but the exit strategy issue will need to be considered. The implications for non-registration was a point raised with me but this penalty was also contained in the original Act and has always been there or for as long as I can remember. There must be a penalty for non-registration because otherwise why would one bother paying the registration fee. Deduction at source would be a good idea, in my view.

Other speakers have dealt with the vetting issue which is the most important procedure. There is no right to appeal in this regard. The Attorney General has stated such a right is not necessary. I do not quite understand why it is not necessary and I ask the Minister to explain it for me in more detail. Recent legal cases have touched on the issue of a right to appeal. The wording in this Bill is the same as pertains in other regulations on the right to appeal. Perhaps there is nothing which is different in this legislation, but if somebody believes he or she has been wronged or that something has not been interpreted correctly, he or she should have some rights. Why has the Attorney General not seen fit to include such a provision?

I attended the climate change conference in Maynooth yesterday. The former President, Mrs. Mary Robinson, was present and the issue of Trinity College Dublin arose. It should be an issue not only for the Department of Education and Skills but for all Departments, including the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government. I am my party's spokesperson on the environment and I will keep saying this. I compliment Senator Ivana Bacik on raising the issue while the Minister was here today because we must lead the way on climate change. We may not be able to do everything we want to do, but if we start in our own buildings, others might follow. The Teaching Council might not be the best loved organisation, but it is necessary to have it.


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