Seanad debates

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Betting (Amendment) Bill 2013: Committee Stage


1:50 pm

Photo of Darragh O'BrienDarragh O'Brien (Fianna Fail) | Oireachtas source

I do not wish to labour the point but section 5 deals with false representation. I support the section and support the proposal that if somebody other than a bookmaker represents him or herself as a bookmaker, this should be liable as an offence. However, I wish to make a point, on the basis of what we have discussed already, that while we are regulating one part of this sector strongly, we are leaving the other side open, for example betting exchanges or similar areas. I am aware we cannot tackle everything, but the way the industry is growing and the way betting is expanding makes it very difficult to control this area.

I support this section but the irony is not lost that we cannot look at issues such as gambling sites. Effectively, I could set up a website tomorrow and start taking bets on it. I could put up an online casino, card games or similar and there is nothing in the way of control. On the other side, if someone represents himself as a bookmaker and takes a bet off track, he will be hammered. I do not intend to oppose the section and will not labour the point further, but wanted to put this view on the record.


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