Seanad debates

Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Public Health (Standardised Packaging of Tobacco) Bill 2014: Committee and Remaining Stages


6:35 pm

Photo of John CrownJohn Crown (Independent) | Oireachtas source

As we stated on Committee Stage, what we wish for the tobacco industry is bankruptcy. We would like all those who are affiliated with the industry to seek alternative lines of work, all the investors involved in supporting it to invest elsewhere and all the retailers of tobacco products to clear their shelves of them. We do not want anybody to profit from the sale of tobacco products.

There is no doubt that there has been a very substantial infiltration, to the point of near domination, of the electronic cigarette market by the traditional cigarette companies, which will be able to use a less regulated product to hook additional addicts for the other products they continue to sell. These companies will also be able to tap up their financial reserves with the profits from less regulated electronic products. This amendment provides an opportunity to strike another blow at our enemies. In pursuit of that objective, and Cabinet confidentiality being what it is, will the new Bill impose a similar level of stringency on the packaging of electronic cigarettes as applies to tobacco products?


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