Seanad debates

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

11:40 am

Photo of Paul CoghlanPaul Coghlan (Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source

I want to refer briefly to the capital of Irish tourism and our greatest national park, Killarney National Park, which encompasses 27,000 acres. There are two oak woods - Tomies Wood and Derrycunnihy Wood - there that are unique in a global context and wherein the Sessile oak thrives. Large areas of both woods have been invaded by rhododendron and it is extremely important that these be cleared. Great efforts have been made in the past to remove the rhododendron and up to 40% was removed by international volunteers in the period up to 2005. The work in this regard is ongoing at Killarney National Park. It is being done by park rangers under the supervision of Mr. Pat Dawson, regional manager of the National Parks and Wildlife Service, and Mr. Peter O'Toole. Voluntary Services International, a recognised group, provides them with assistance each summer. A number of international volunteers are also involved. I commend everyone mentioned on the work they are doing. As Senator Barrett and I are aware, there is another group which probably wants to become involved again but there is some aggro taking place in that regard. We will leave it to the officials to deal with that aspect. I understand that a report will be forthcoming. Said report will be different from that to which Senator MacSharry has referred because it will be real and has been authorised by-----


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