Seanad debates

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

2:45 pm

Photo of Jim D'ArcyJim D'Arcy (Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source

Gach trí bliana, foilsíonn an OECD torthaí a léiríonn cumas litearthachta déagóirí atá cúig bliana déag d'aois thar 65 tíortha ar fud an domhain. It collates the data and produces league tables known as PISA, which results have in recent years indicated a decline among Irish 15 years olds in Irish, mathematics and science results. However, the new table indicates we are back where we were. Some teachers said that the previous results were rogue results. Regardless, it is good to see that the performance of Irish 15 year olds in maths, reading and science is significantly above average in European terms and across 65 countries. There must be a recognition and appreciation of the great work being done in teaching and learning in our schools.

Ireland now ranks in 9th position in respect of science, which is a jump of five places and is indicative of the effect of the new syllabi at primary and post-primary levels. The 50th anniversary of the Young Scientists Exhibition founded by Dr. Tony Scott and Fr. Tom Burke is approaching. I propose that we invite Dr. Tony Scott to appear before the Seanad to address us.


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