Seanad debates

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

3:40 pm

Photo of Maurice CumminsMaurice Cummins (Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source

I will certainly raise with the Minister the question Senator O'Brien asked about the statement made by Deputy Howlin in this House in 2011.

Senator Bacik also called for a debate on homophobia, in light of the Bill being taken in the Russian Parliament. We have had a number of debates in this House on that issue. The Bill mentioned is very disturbing, but we have had a number of debates on the matter.

Senator Crown and others raised the issue of uneven access to cancer services and the difficulties with some insurance companies with regard to payments and the prescription of drugs. This is a cause for concern and the Senator is quite right to point out that some insurance companies are unwilling to cover the drug in question. I suggest the matter can be discussed when we have a debate this week on the Health (Amendment) Bill with the Minister. I compliment the Minister on his participation in our excellent debate on hospital services last week. The Minister spend some considerable time with us discussing the hospital service groupings and a number of other issues raised by Senators during that debate. I urge Senator Crown to raise the issue with the Minister.

I advise Senator Michael Mullins and other Senators who raised the issues of hospital charges and payments, appointments and private health insurance to raise them during the Second Stage debate on the Health (Amendment) Bill 2013 later today.

Senator Terry Brennan lauded the benefits of Carlingford oysters. I have nothing further to add to his comments on the subject.

Senator Mark Daly asked when the National Assets Management Agency transparency Bill would be dealt with in the House. I am surprised that he did not know that Bill was dealt with and voted on last year.


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