Seanad debates

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

11:00 am

Photo of Aideen HaydenAideen Hayden (Labour) | Oireachtas source

I have no doubt that many on the Opposition benches are genuinely concerned about disabled people in the country but I am also certain many are shouting through crocodile tears for political gain. The Fianna Fáil Party was part of the Government for 14 years and it abjectly failed the people. A recent survey indicates 73% of people in the country are going cold because they cannot afford to heat their homes. We had 14 years with a Government that did not deal with the fact that this country is 90% dependent on imported fuel products. It also abjectly failed on the issue of property standards.

Dublin City Council did a sweep of the North Circular Road recently, surveying 500 units, and of them, almost all failed to comply with the minimum standards in legislation. In 14 years, when people were building a house in every field, the Fianna Fáil-led Government abjectly failed to deal with the issues that really affect people in this country, such as whether they can afford to provide heat for themselves. We know some people are staying in bed all day because they cannot afford to heat a house.

We are throwing stones at each other today but those opposite should bear in mind some of the failures of the last Government. I ask the Leader for a debate in the House on the issue of fuel poverty and property standards.


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