Seanad debates

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Irish Bank Resolution Corporation Bill 2013: Committee and Remaining Stages


8:00 pm

Photo of Trevor Ó ClochartaighTrevor Ó Clochartaigh (Sinn Fein) | Oireachtas source

Chuir mé ceist i nGaeilge níos túisce, ach b'fhéidir nár tháinig sé trasna. Baineann sé leis an leachtaitheoir. Could the Minister clarify for us the type of deal that has been done with KPMG? He indicated on Second Stage that negotiations have been ongoing with KPMG, that when he would have to instigate this Bill he had a deal done etc. but what will be the cost to the State? How much will KPMG get out of this deal? How much will it cost the State eventually to pay KPMG to put this liquidation in place? How much of the assets that are to be transferred will end up being paid off to KPMG in this scenario? Could the Minister indicate to us the kind of deal that has been done?


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