Seanad debates

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Adjournment Matters

Ground Rents Abolition

8:00 pm

Photo of David CullinaneDavid Cullinane (Sinn Fein) | Oireachtas source

I thank the Minister of State for his response. I will be helpful and suggest something. The most obvious and achievable step is to pass legislation in order that the one eighth of the land's value that is due on the expiry of a lease can be reviewed downwards as well as upwards and lowered to a number close to zero so as to negate the value. After a year or so, ground rents would become well established as not being meaningful sources of income. The rents having no effective value, the Oireachtas could pass legislation to eradicate ground rents altogether by making them illegal.

A number of propositions could be put to the Attorney General to determine whether they were possible instead of simply tabling a blanket question on abolishing ground rents. All parties have grappled with this issue. In opposition, the Taoiseach and the Tánaiste clearly supported the concept of abolishing ground rents. Will the issue be re-examined? It is a burden on many residents and the State has a responsibility to act.


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