Seanad debates

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

3:00 pm

Photo of Mary MoranMary Moran (Labour)

I, too, join my colleagues in welcoming the Taoiseach's and Tánaiste's announcement on the referendum. It is a great day for democracy and a great opportunity for our young people.

I want to mention an issue I have raised previously, namely, the Dignity 4 Patients group. It is approaching the 17th anniversary of the making of the first complaint. This group was set up following abuse that was caused to victims, particularly in the Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital, but also throughout the country.

Before Christmas, Members of the Oireachtas from the Louth-Meath-Monaghan area signed a petition to the Taoiseach and the Minister for Health. To date, we have not heard anything back on this call for a commission of inquiry. I ask the Leader to call on the Minister for Health to come to the House to debate this issue and to give us a date on which a possible inquiry could be established. Three years ago, when he was in opposition, he was one of those who called for a commission of inquiry. I ask him to come to the House to answer these questions.


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