Seanad debates

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

3:00 pm

Photo of Paschal MooneyPaschal Mooney (Fianna Fail)

I will leave it on the record. I am interested in the circumstances to hear the reaction of the Leader. As the Cathaoirleach will know, the issue was raised by all sides in this House and I am glad the uncertainty has now been removed. It is critical to the future of this country and the well-being of all of its citizens that the referendum proceeds and the people have an opportunity to express their opinion. It remains to be seen what that opinion will be. I am interested in hearing the Leader's reaction to the news.

I second Senator Norris's proposal despite, or in spite of, the fact that the Taoiseach has been about important business, as always. I do so in light of the comments made in London yesterday by the Welsh singer, Charlotte Church. They should be required reading for anybody interested in a free and transparent media. She was awarded substantial damages for phone hacking by journalists of the News of the World. In her speech, she said she was disgusted - that was the word she used - and sickened by what had happened. Her mother was forced - that was the term used - by journalists of that discredited newspaper to reveal her medical condition. Where was the public interest served in that instance?

I have to go some part of the way with Senator Norris on this. It is a matter for the Taoiseach to write for whoever he wishes, but I would not wish to be associated with the Murdoch empire because I believe that it no longer has the trust of the majority of the people due to the activities in which its journalists have engaged. It is now creating a smokescreen by going back into the market with a Sunday newspaper and resuming what it was doing until now. We will await developments in relation to this newspaper and see whether it is going to reach the highest standards that one expects and one generally gets in this country from journalists in the printed or electronic media. In those circumstances, I second the motion of Senator Norris.


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