Seanad debates

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

3:00 pm

Photo of Eamonn CoghlanEamonn Coghlan (Independent)

Recently the Taoiseach was quoted as saying that when one hears the name, Crumlin, one thinks of one word, that one word is "children". However, when one hears the name, Mater, one thinks of many words, such as chaos, political incompetence, disaster for children's health. Crumlin hospital is the national referral hospital for seriously ill children from all over Ireland cared for there suffering from cancer, leukemia, cystic fibrosis, heart and lung disease, to name a few. Crumlin hospital is a teaching hospital and has a world renowned research centre. It has a brand recognised all over the world, supported by thousands of volunteers who have raised millions of euro to support it beyond Government support. The only problem with Crumlim hospital and its services is the accommodation.

In light of the recent decision by An Bord Pleanála concerning the proposed national paediatric hospital, does the Leader agree it would be unacceptable in the spirit of the Constitution to change legislation merely to overturn that decision? Does he also agree that time, money and effort would be best spent on determining a new location, configuration and the costs of this important health project, given the rejection of the Mater site? Does he accept that those heretofore involved in the decision making on this project should stand aside and that the Department of children should play a central role?


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