Seanad debates

Tuesday, 13 December 2011


Employment Action Plan

5:00 pm

Photo of Róisín ShortallRóisín Shortall (Dublin North West, Labour)

The Government is very serious about job creation. There is a challenge throughout the country with regard to job creation. The Government also recognised that there are particular problems in the south east. Waterford has been especially hit, one could say devastated, by substantial job losses in recent years, most recently with the closure of TalkTalk.

There is a clear plan of action. The State agencies were brought into the picture as quickly as possible. They have identified the niche areas. I take the Senator's point regarding setting targets. That should be done. I will relay his views to the Minister in that regard.

The emphasis is on identifying the strengths of the area and of those areas that need to be strengthened further. We must identify those niche activities in the jobs market where there is most potential to benefit the south east.

Bringing the local stakeholders together is particularly important. It is regrettable that this has not been the case and that there has not been such a forum working and campaigning for the south east. I am glad this has come together. The work of the group now needs to be built upon and the group needs to meet on an ongoing basis and be in constant contact with the Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation and the State agencies.

No one is suggesting this is easy. Much work needs to be done. Commitment has been demonstrated by the Minister and by the State agencies involved. By working together the south east can be put on the map in terms of job creation. It has significant strengths which need to be built on. The area needs to be sold, and the local people and the local forum can best do that. I agree that they should be setting targets.


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