Seanad debates

Thursday, 17 November 2011

4:00 am

Photo of Ivana BacikIvana Bacik (Independent)

I am glad to have the opportunity to speak to the motion and grateful to the Minister for facilitating this debate. I welcome him to the House and I am delighted to support the motion on behalf of the Labour Party. It vindicates the position adopted in the debate in June. At the time the Minister said that if circumstances required, an extension of the timeframe would be considered. He said the tribunal's chairperson could seek such an extension from the Minister and that has been done.

Senator Byrne could not resist saying, "I told you so," but, equally, we could say the same. At the time we said that if the timeframe required to be extended, this would be done. That is what the motion is about.

I am delighted that there is cross-party support for the motion. We have all noted that the tribunal's work is progressing well and are all glad to note that the Oireachtas will be kept informed by way of the presentation of an interim report in March 2012. We all join in wishing Judge Smithwick well in his work and hope to see the report completed expeditiously within a reasonable timeframe.


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