Seanad debates

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

10:30 am

Photo of David NorrisDavid Norris (Independent)

I ask that the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport re-examine his decision on grants to Galway and Sligo airports, both of which I use comparatively frequently. The amount of money involved is comparatively small but its loss will be devastating for these regions. It will become more difficult to attract tourists and a considerable number of business people use these airports. The Minister suggested that the roads have improved but I wonder whether he is aware of the speed limits on them. It takes 20 minutes to travel by air to these airports but if one attempted to make the journey that quickly by road, a very fast car would be needed and one would certainly end up in jail. I was saddened by the State's defence in respect of the Magdalene laundries. As I have faith in our new Government, I will speak about a matter I have raised on numerous occasions, that is, the involvement of Protestant institutions in this area. They have been completely excluded and I have been a lone voice in raising the issue. On 30 September 2010, the most recent example, I pointed out that the State's inspectors reported cases of serious medical neglect in Bethany House but the State deflected these claims and publicly directed that the institution should not be included in any circumstances with the investigation into the treatment of Roman Catholic children. The State, therefore, took a partisan and sectarian position to the disadvantage of the children concerned and it refused to accept the report of its own medical advisers. The previous Church of Ireland Archbishop of Dublin, Dr. John Neill, issued a powerful statement of apology on behalf of the church which referred to grave concern and deep pain but the worst aspect was that the Church of Ireland has repeatedly petitioned the State to have Bethany House brought under the remit of the Residential Institutions Redress Board. I attended a service of remembrance in Mount Jerome Cemetery for 200 unnamed children. The State owes these children the same redress as this House advocated so passionately in regard to the Magdalene laundries.


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