Seanad debates

Friday, 17 December 2010

10:30 am

Photo of Dan BoyleDan Boyle (Green Party)

It would be nice for once, before we get to the end of the year. I refer to yesterday's judgment of the European Court of Human Rights and I also agree with the previous speakers on the need for legislation. Whether it is possible to legislate in the remaining time left to the Government, at least a Bill should be published as the issue needs to be addressed. There is a logic to the referendum passed in 1983 and the court decision of yesterday. A proper legal definition of protection of the life of the mother has to be put into Irish law. This issue has been avoided by Irish politics and successive Governments since then.

My own wish is that when we return in the new year, and there are hopeful economic signs, we will become both a Legislature and a country that is more confident and hopeful in itself. I hope it is recognised that there is more than one Ireland. Some people are finding it very difficult while others are still doing quite well and it is a case of marrying the difference between those Irelands is the challenge that remains for all of us as we face into early 2011.


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