Seanad debates
Wednesday, 19 May 2010
Schools Building Projects
6:00 pm
Seán Haughey (Dublin North Central, Fianna Fail)
I am also taking this matter on behalf of my colleague, the Tánaiste and Minister for Education and Skills, Deputy Coughlan. I thank Senator Healy Eames for raising this matter as it gives me an opportunity of outlining to the House the Government's strategy for capital investment in education projects, in particular the Department's position regarding the upgrading of facilities in Cregmore national school, County Galway.
Modernising facilities in the existing building stock as well as the need to respond to emerging needs in areas of rapid population growth is a significant challenge. The Government has shown a consistent determination to improve the condition of school buildings and to ensure appropriate facilities are in place to enable the implementation of a broad and balanced curriculum. The 2010 capital allocation for the primary and post-primary sectors is €579 million, and this sum will facilitate the delivery of the school building programme through a range of projects and schemes.
On 16 February, the then Minister, Deputy Batt O'Keeffe, announced the 2010 large-scale school building programme. A total of 52 school projects - 37 primary and 15 post-primary - are to advance to tender and construction later this year and in 2011. A total of 51 school building projects - 44 primary and seven post-primary - are expected to appoint design teams this year. Approval was given for seven new primary schools to open in September 2010 in rapidly developing areas. Arising from earlier school building programme announcements, 30 large scale projects - 23 primary and seven post-primary - are under construction at present. A total of 27 large scale projects - 19 primary and eight post-primary - are due to commence construction during the first half of the year with a further 14 projects - ten primary and four post-primary - due to go on site as soon as possible. Payments will issue on fees for other projects in architectural planning. Depending on the rate of progress of the various projects in the programme, adjustments may be made throughout 2010. These adjustments may arise in the context of the ongoing monitoring of the programme undertaken by the Department in the normal course of events.
The Tánaiste and Minister, Deputy Coughlan, announced the successful applicants for the 2010 summer works scheme last month. A total of €122 million will see major improvement works carried out in 1,490 primary and post-primary schools. The summer works scheme covers projects in school buildings such as gas, electrical and mechanical works, roof replacement and repairs, window replacement, toilet upgrades, structural improvements and access works. This record level of investment through the summer works scheme has the potential to generate work for in excess of 4,400 construction workers during the summer period. The projects approved under the summer works scheme have been assessed as priority projects by the individual schools themselves and the capacity of schools to take responsibility for delivering small and medium-scale projects is a key component of the summer works scheme. That is just some background information for the Senator.
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