Seanad debates

Thursday, 18 February 2010

Services for People with Disabilities


1:00 pm

Photo of Tony KilleenTony Killeen (Clare, Fianna Fail)

I am taking this Adjournment matter on behalf of the Minister for Health and Children, Deputy Mary Harney. I thank the Senator for raising it.

I am pleased to take the opportunity to outline the position on St. Joseph's intellectual disability services in Portrane, County Dublin. As the Senator pointed out, the construction and equipping of a new 60-bed residential development, including the provision of day services for clients of St. Joseph's intellectual disability services, are complete and the development was handed over to the HSE in July 2009. The development forms a crucial part in progressing national policy in effecting the transfer of clients with intellectual disabilities currently in psychiatric hospitals to more appropriate accommodation. It is the intention of the HSE to commission the entire development — the residential bungalows, of which there are ten, and the day resource centre — as soon as possible. However, additional staff of various grades will be required to support this.

In order to implement savings measures on public service numbers the Government decided, with effect from 27 March 2009 to the end of 2010, that no post in the public sector, however it arises, may be filled by recruitment, promotion or payment of an allowance for the performance of duties at a higher grade. The decision applies to all grades of permanent and temporary staff, including nursing, notwithstanding a number of specific exemptions. It has been modulated to ensure key services are maintained in so far as is possible in the health service, particularly in respect of children at risk, older people and persons with a disability.

A business case was submitted to the Department of Health and Children in November 2009 by the HSE on the opening of the Knockamann development. As nursing staff are not a derogated grade under the current moratorium on recruitment in public services, specific sanction is required to fill the posts. Having considered the business case, the Department requested some supplementary information, particularly on the skills mix of posts required. It is anticipated that this will be forwarded to the Department shortly.

The Department is working closely with the HSE to endeavour to resolve this matter within the resources available to us at this time. I will convey the Senator's thoughts on the issue to the Minister directly.


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