Seanad debates

Thursday, 18 February 2010

1:00 pm

Photo of Cecilia KeaveneyCecilia Keaveney (Fianna Fail)

It is clear from the Minister of State's response that the issue is indeed the lack of co-funding coming from the council. In the interests of everyone, it is very important that the Minister should meet within the next week with council officials, councillors and fishing representatives. There seem to be cross-messages on the issue, but the bigger issue is more important, namely, how we get the work recommenced and brought to finality. The county council does not have the resources to continue the work. The work must be done in partnership, as has been done to date. I urge the Minister of State to try and find a gap in his schedule within the next week to deal with the issue. I will challenge council officials, councillors and the fishing community to get together with him to try and find a solution to this serious issue in my constituency.


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