Seanad debates

Wednesday, 10 February 2010

6:00 pm

Photo of Cecilia KeaveneyCecilia Keaveney (Fianna Fail)

I thank the Minister of State for informing me that a programme is in place. Resources such as lesson plans, worksheets, learning activities, fact sheets, CDs, DVDs and on-line resources, including podcasts, are not as effective as the method of touch and feel. If we are telling people they should use procedures for self-examination to look for a lump or bump, it would be much easier to hand them a model and let them examine it rather than reading about the facts in a book. I know I would react far quicker and understand faster if this was the method used. I, therefore, ask the Department to consider expanding the resources available and examine the concept of using more tactile resource materials. I take the opportunity to congratulate the Irish Cancer Society which has expanded its services to include five new centres which opened this week. It is doing tremendous work in raising awareness and providing support.


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